Experts advise: Don’t over-prioritise learning over other development (Anmum™ ESSENTIAL GOLD launched video series for parents)
What is your priority when comes to parenting?
I see a lot of my friends emphasize how smart their kids, must feed them with some power food. Not that it's a bad thing but, is there more to just being smart? What about overall health? What about other development?
It's true that technology has changed the way we live, including how Malaysian parents raise their kids. In conjunction with the launch of New Anmum™ ESSENTIAL GOLD with 33% more DHA*, MFGM+ Gangliosides (GA), prebiotics and 15 key nutrients to support 8 important developments of children aged one to six, the formulated milk powder brand is releasing a series of videos featuring professionals in the fields of paediatrics, child development, psychology and nutrition to provide valuable insights into supporting children’s all-rounded development.
Developing Next-Gen, Conversations with Professionals is a video series hosted on Connected Mums Club Facebook page and AnmumTV YouTube channel. It features four professionals in a virtual conversation on child development topics relevant to Malaysian parents, one of which is the over-emphasis on supporting brain development when it comes to children’s ability to learn.
Paediatric Consultant and panellist in the virtual conversation, Dr. Yong Junina Fadzil says one of the signs that parents are over prioritising brain development and learning over other areas of developments is the focus on tangible or measurable milestones and achievements. “A lot of parents are missing the big picture of stimulating their children’s holistic development. Many children are sent to enrichment classes before they reach formal schooling age. While these classes can provide stimulus for children, they often have a competitive edge that shifts the focus from getting a child to enjoy what he or she learns or socialise with their peers,” she says.
interesting finding from an Anmum™ ESSENTIAL GOLD online survey showed that
parents don’t place equal importance on every aspect of their children’s
development. While 9 out of 10 mums
surveyed want to support their children’s development beyond learning ability, 64%
of mothers don’t see social and emotional developments as their priority.
panellist, Dr. Rajini Sarvananthan says children grow and develop as a
whole and it is important for parents to note that different areas of
development are not independent but interdependent. “My advice to parents is
not to just push for a child to excel in learning, especially the focus on
academic skills, but also look at nurturing other areas like social and
emotional development,” adds the consultant paediatrician.
Another topic highlighted is the link between social emotional development in early childhood and emerging mental health issues later in life. The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts more people will be affected by depression than any other health problem by 2030. Professor of psychology, Dr Alvin Ng Lai Oon says in Malaysia, 7.9% of children 5 to 15 years of age were found to have mental health problems. “So, it is important that parents pay attention to their children’s social and emotional development as early as toddler stage,” adds the panellist.
addition to these engaging topics, the panel of professionals also deals with
how increasing influence of digital technology is influencing children’s
development. One of which is the effect of increased screen time and its impact
on eye function and vision as
well as socialising with peers, which are also important aspects to a child’s all
rounded growth and development. In the Anmum™ ESSENTIAL GOLD online survey, 7 out of 10 mums admitted they did not bring their children for
vision examinations despite agreeing eye development is important.
Celebrity mum Megan Tan, who moderates and hosts the virtual conversation series urge parents to hear from these professionals. “As a mum of two toddlers speaking to the experts in these videos, it gave me a ‘wake-up’ call to not be over zealous with getting my kids to recite ABCs and 123s, but to offer real life experiences which is the best way that children learns.
Tune in to Developing Next-Gen, Conversations with Professionals to get helpful parenting tips on how to support your child’s all-rounded growth and development, including the important role nutrition plays in this aspect. Go to Anmum™ ESSENTIAL official website at to watch the full series of five video episodes.
Parents who want to know more about AnmumTM ESSENTIAL GOLD can join the virtual roadshow at and stand a chance to win amazing prizes up to RM100,000, including AnmumTM ESSENTIAL GOLD supply for 1 year! Exciting and fun activities suitable for parents and child to experience at home; and explore the 8 areas of important developments.