Bloggers Pool Party! Let's Par-tay!
Bloggers work hard.
But we all play hard too.
And we know how to play hard.
And we got some of the best contacts around.
Don't believe me? Ask Sidney Kan (and read his
blog here...)
So, we had a party. Being new doesn't hinder me to know more bloggers at the party, very nice people around.
Dengan Sidney Kan! |
And we have lots of balloons! |
Bakarlah! Oh baby, bakarlah! |
Oh so yummy! |
Some of the catch! |
Grilled Saba fish! |
In the process of bakar-ing! |
What do you call this in BM? Hmmmm.... this is Shishamo! |
Prawn oh prawn! |
Although I don't eat much prawn, all bloggers seems to enjoy it much! |
Yum yum! |
Yupe, I enjoy tengok the bakar process.... |
And I don't even have to bakar, Bakarlah helped us to it! |
Sedap ayam nie! |
If you need his service.... contact them here. |
And we got meatball spaghetti as well! |
Aha! Zung in action with.....Ayu! And of course, the Star Wars Light Saber! Woohoo, canggih! Click here for his work! |
Close up on the Light Saber! |
Zung look so serious! Of course, he need to, otherwise, how to shoot for Donald Trump? His FB is here. |
Rane getting her shot. |
I am just so happy to take a photo with him. And I can't wait to receive the photo taken by him. |
And this is me, Rane and her daughter! So cute! |
Me with Nannie and Sidney! |
Do you recognize the bloggers? Taken by Zung. |
Me, Misz-Ella and Sidney! |
Thank you Sidney and all sponsors! |
Lastly, group shot!
We shall see each other again and again! Good catch up! |
Lastly, thanks to all sponsors ya!!! Check out their links, who knows, you might need them! :)
Sidney Kan, the organizer, other partners and sponsors:
Zung ThePhotoz,
Bakarlah, GST Group,
NY Steak Shack,
Hei Sushi,
Fannie Face Art, EJS,
Kelvin Gems, Balloon Buzz USJ Taipan.